Bitget raises $10 million in an strategic investment from DragonFly.

Bitget is a crypto exchange startup that is among the world’s leading crypto exchanges with futures trading and copy trading services that form the platform’s core trading features. The firm was established in 2018 has has since then acquired 8 million users from from more than 100 countries and regions. Bitget’s mission is to facilitate users to trade in a smarter way by offering secure, one-stop trading solutions. The firm is also inspiring the adoption of crypto to create a larger crypto community and ecosystem through collaborations with prominent professionals and institutions. The firm has partnerships with Lionel Messi – a legendary footballer from Argentina, Juventus – a football club that plays in the Italian Serie A and the official eSports event organizer – PGL. According to information from the crypto community Bitget is among the Top 5 Futures Trading Platforms and also among the Top 10 Spot Trading Platforms.

Consequently, Bitget has managed to raise $10 million in a fundraising round from a single investor, DragonFly. With the latest investment in place, Bitget hopes to expand its product offerings as well as global initiatives to acquire more crypto adoption. The platform also has plans to launch a mass education campaign through entertainment to achieve mass adoption. In recent days, Bitget has experienced substantial growth in its transaction volumes, users and product lineups. The platform began as a derivatives-focused trading platform and by July of 2022, the platform had made the list for the Top 3 Derivatives Exchanges. The platform is also the first large crypto exchange to introduce a copy trading feature leading it to become the world’s largest crypto copy trading platform with over 80 000 strategy traders and over 380 000 follower traders. In 2023, Bitget has plans to scale up spot trading and launching a launchpad with more earning products to expand its ecosystem into a one-stop crypto investment platform.

DragonFly on the other hand, is a crypto-focused investment firm that partners with crypto founders at all stages of product development that is, from seed round to series D round. It has a global team of over 40 professionals that are focused on collaborating with crypto founders to address some of their crucial problems ranging from product development to go-to-market time. The venture capital manages funds with the help of its subsidiaries and the funds are only available to accredited investors. The funds invested in Bitget will be used to expand the firm’s expansion operations and also fund its educational and adoption campaigns that form part of Bitget’s CSR(Corporate Social Responsibilities).

Bitget’s online platform promises armature traders a change to trade alongside the best traders as new users can follow elite traders and earn immediately by copying the elite’s trading strategies. The firm is also promising a secure and trustworthy crypto exchange that goes the extra mile to improve the user experience. The platform is also set to offer proof of reserves, cold storage facilities – ability to crypto offline and a protection fund of more than 300 Million USDT to give an extra layer of protection against security threats. The platform can also be accessed from anywhere including mobile devices with support for devices with IOS and Android OS.

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