What Is Yield Farming? What You Need To Know

Yield farming is a new and innovative way to earn rewards on your cryptocurrency investment. By providing liquidity to a digital asset, you can earn a return on your investment through yield farming. To maximize your return, it is important to understand how yield farming works and the risks involved.

What is Yield Farming?

Yield farming is a process of providing liquidity to a digital asset to earn a return on your investment. You can earn interest on your investment by lending your cryptocurrency to a project or platform. In addition, you may also earn rewards for participating in the project or platform.

How Does Yield Farming Work?

Yield farming is a process by which investors can earn interest on their cryptocurrency investments. The yield is generated by providing liquidity to a protocol or participating in a staking pool. In return for providing liquidity, the investor receives a portion of the transaction fees as well as a reward for participating in the pool. The amount of interest earned will vary depending on the size of the investment and the length of time the investment is held.

In staking, users lock up their crypto in a wallet to help validate transactions on a blockchain. In return for their help, they earn rewards in the form of new tokens or interest payments.

In lending, users put their crypto into a smart contract and earn interest on the loan. This interest is paid out in the form of the underlying cryptocurrency or a stablecoin.

What Are The Benefits of Yield Farming?

Yield farming offers several benefits.

1. Ability To Earn a Return on Your Investment

Yield farming has become popularized in recent months as a way to earn high returns on investment (ROI) through the use of DeFi protocols. DeFi, or decentralized finance, is a catch-all term for financial protocols and applications that run on Ethereum. These protocols allow users to do everything from borrowing and lending crypto to earning interest on their digital assets.

By staking or lending their crypto on a platform like Compound or MakerDAO, users can earn a significantly higher ROI than they would by simply holding their crypto in a wallet.

2. Participate in a Project or Platform, And Earn Rewards

Another benefit of yield farming is participating in a project or platform and earning rewards. For example, many DeFi protocols offer users the opportunity to earn rewards for participating in governance.

So, not only can you earn a return on your investment by staking or lending your crypto, but you can also earn rewards for participating in the project.

What Are The Risks of Yield Farming?

Yield farming is a new and innovative way to invest in cryptocurrency, and of course, yield farming is not without its risks. These risks include the potential for loss of capital, lack of liquidity, and platform risk. In addition, it is important to understand the risks of the project or platform you are lending your cryptocurrency to.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the risks.

Loss of Capital

The most obvious risk is that of platform instability. DeFi protocols are still in their early stages of development and are thus subject to high levels of volatility. This volatility can lead to sudden losses of capital, as we saw during the Compound flash loan attack in June 2020.

Lack of Liquidity

Another risk to consider is that of liquidity. When you stake or lend crypto on a DeFi platform, you effectively lock up your capital. This can lead to issues if you need to access your funds suddenly, as you may not be able to do so.

Platform Risk

Finally, it is important to remember that yield farming is a highly competitive space. In order to maximize your ROI, you will need to carefully research the different protocols and platforms available. You will also need to be prepared to rapidly change your strategy as the landscape evolves.

With that said, let’s take a closer look at some of the most popular yield farming protocols and platforms.

Yield Farming Protocols And Platforms


The compound is a protocol that allows users to earn interest on their crypto holdings. It does this by letting users lend their crypto to borrowers who are looking to borrow crypto.

The market’s interest rate on loans is set by the supply and demand of the underlying crypto. Borrowers are charged a small fee for taking out a loan, which goes to the lenders.

Compound currently supports different cryptocurrencies, including ETH, USDC, and DAI. It also offers a mobile app, which allows users to easily track their investments and earnings.


MakerDAO is a protocol that allows users to borrow Dai, a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar. Dai is created through a process called collateralized debt position (CDP), which allows users to collateralize their crypto holdings to mint Dai.

Users can then use Dai to borrow other assets, including ETH and USDC. The interest rate on Dai loans is set by the MakerDAO community and is currently around 2%.

Dai can also be used to pay fees on the MakerDAO platform. These fees go to the MKR holders, who help to govern the MakerDAO protocol.


Aave is a protocol that allows users to earn interest on their crypto holdings or to take out loans against their crypto. It does this by letting users deposit their crypto into a smart contract, which then creates a pool of capital that can be lent out to borrowers.

The interest rate on loans is set by the market and is determined by the supply and demand of the underlying crypto. Borrowers are charged a small fee for taking out a loan, which goes to the lenders.

Aave currently supports eight different cryptocurrencies, including ETH, USDC, and DAI. It also offers a mobile app, which allows users to easily track their investments and earnings.


Yearn.finance is a platform that allows users to earn interest on their crypto holdings. It does this by pooling together user deposits and then using them to lend to borrowers on other platforms, such as Compound and Aave.

The interest earned on these loans is then distributed back to the users who have deposited their crypto into the yearn.finance platform. This allows users to earn a passive income on their crypto holdings without actively managing their investments.

Yearn.finance currently supports eight different cryptocurrencies, including ETH, USDC, and DAI. It is also one of the most popular yield farming platforms, with over $1 billion in assets under management.

Final Thoughts

Yield farming is a great way to earn a high return on investment on your crypto holdings. However, it is important to remember that it is a highly volatile and risky space. Before investing, be sure to carefully research the different protocols and platforms available.

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